As we opened the front door, a bat flew into the house. My daughter screamed, while my wife and granddaughters jumped from their chairs and barricaded themselves in the bedroom. The bat found the guest room where it flew in large circles looking for a home. My son-in-law grabbed a broom and attempted to guide the bat back to the front door. He was almost successful until the creature took a sudden left, flew down the hallway, and began circling the living room. My son-in-law pursued with his broom, and I opened the patio doors. Finally, the bat flew out of the house and back to nature where I hope he is consuming large quantities of mosquitos.
God created bats for a purpose, but flying in circles around my living room is not that purpose. Living in a tropical area, we often find critters like frogs and lizards snuck into our home. It does not go well for them. If I am unable to catch them, they die, either from starvation or the work of Massey Pest Control.
Like bats, each of us has a purpose and a place. The great commission gives us both. Our purpose is to make disciples, and our place is all nations. Christians are like bats; if they just fly in circles around the church sanctuary, all they produce is piles of guano, but if they get out into the world, they can do a lot of good.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)