3 am.
Arm itches.
I scratch.
Still itches.
Won’t stop.
My wife has a cream.
Don’t want to wake her.
Go to bathroom.
It must be here.
Don’t turn on light.
That would wake me.
It comes in a tube.
Here’s a tube.
Rub it on.
Smells minty.
Ugh, toothpaste.
Another tube.
Feels sticky.
If it’s in a tube, I apply it.
Not it.
Not it.
Not it.
Oops, I may be allergic to that.
Wash it off.
Still itches.
Last resort.
Flip the switch.
And then there is light.
Now I see it.
Aww, that’s it!
What’s your itch?
What upsets?
Disturbs your rest?
Eats at your soul?
Won’t stop?
Why stumble in the dark?
The light of the world is Jesus.