Life on a plane feels like life on pause. As I flew from Florida to California, where was I? I wasn’t in Florida, and I wasn’t in California. I was in the air, I was somewhere, I was nowhere. When I stepped off the plane, Florida seemed long ago and far away. California was my…
Sovereign Over Every Inch
I thought I knew that quote, but I had it wrong. I’m talking about a famous quote by Abraham Kuyper, which I thought said, “There is not a square inch in all of creation over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” It was recently pointed out to me that what…
The Eye of the Beholder
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So is weather. The temperature was 60 degrees when I began my bike ride this morning. I thought I was going to become a bICEcycle (That’s a Dad Joke for those who have never seen one). I write this knowing that my northern friends…
Simple Pleasures
Today I am enjoying one of my simple pleasures by sitting on my patio and looking out at the large oak tree and open field beyond my back fence. Another simple pleasure is to bake a loaf of bread, put a slice in the toaster, and then squash an avocado on top. With a shake…
How God Speaks
I thought that I was going to attend college in Iowa, return home to California, work as an actuary for a large insurance company, make lots of money, and live a comfortable life. However, during my freshman year, I met a group of students who showed me that living as a Christian meant giving God…
Failure to Chomp
I hate to fail, but today my buddy and I put our brains together and still failed. I invited him to come over and help me replace my garbage disposal that had mysteriously stopped working. We followed the instructions, got it installed, and expectantly flipped the switch. Nothing happened. Oh, water poured out of the…
The Air in My Tires
Pedaling my bike felt sluggish. I had trouble getting enough power from my legs to make it to the top of the bridge, and my average speed was several miles per hour less than last week. What was wrong with me? I squeezed my back tire and it felt squishy. That was it, the tires…
Life and Death on the Roundabout
As I was riding my bike this morning, navigating a roundabout, a small, pug-nosed dog suddenly jumped out of the open back window of a passing SUV. She hit the pavement, rolled a few times, and then got up, seemingly uninjured. The dog did not bark, whine, or make any sound. The SUV driver stopped…
The Itch
3 am.Arm itches.I scratch.Still itches.Won’t stop.My wife has a cream.Don’t want to wake her.Go to bathroom.It must be here.Don’t turn on light.That would wake me.Cream.It comes in a tube.Here’s a tube.Rub it on.Smells minty.Ugh, toothpaste.Another tube.Feels sticky.If it’s in a tube, I apply it.Not it.Not it.Not it.Oops, I may be allergic to that.Wash it off.Still…
Why Should Jesus Be Lord?
Why should Jesus be your Lord? When I ask my students this question, I suggest a variety of answers: This morning a student latched on to that last suggestion. She remarked that Jesus was her Lord because he has so much power over us, but there is never abuse. I have been marveling over this…
On Becoming Observant
I find that a good excuse can keep me out of trouble, and one of my favorites is, “I never saw it.” This one is useful in so many situations: “Why didn’t you clean up that mess?” “Why didn’t you pay that bill?” “Why did you blow through that stop sign?” To all of these,…
Praise the LORD!
Breakfast on my patio is one of my favorite simple pleasures. I am often able to watch the sunrise and witness some of God’s creative genius. Today I observed a crowned bird in the oak that shades my backyard and also gives refuge to owls, woodpeckers, cardinals, and many other unique creatures. Listening to their…
Little Things
Like a pebble in a shoe, little things can dominate and control our spirits. The lives of my wife, Cathy, and I have been so dominated for the past few weeks. It was a very small thing, only a six-millimeter something hidden in her breast. It couldn’t be felt or seen without instrumentation, but it…
My Marriage Secret
“What’s your secret?” asked the desk clerk as we checked into a hotel to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. I quickly answered that there is no secret, and, after taking more time to think about it, I sincerely hope that “Golden Couples” is not considered an exclusive club or secret society. Therefore, in an effort…
Owner or Guest
Last night, I did something that Jesus never did. After thirty-one days on the road, I slept in a home that I own. I kind of like it. It’s not that I’m complaining about travel, which I do enjoy. Thirty-one days in hotels, friends’ basements, and relatives’ couches does have a certain appeal. My wife…
On the Road
California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska. That’s a lot of territory to cover in a week, and I admit to being a bit road weary. However, I have not yet arrived, so I will continue to travel. Where is the final destination? I’m not sure. When will I get there? I…
A New Perspective
Matthew John, the pastor of Lake Avenue Church, told a story about a tour he says completely changed his perspective. His story has now changed my perspective and perhaps it will also change yours. Pastor John said that on a visit to New Orleans, he toured a former slave plantation. At the end of the…
Joseph Explains His Tears
In our final interview with Biblical heavyweight, Joseph bar Jacob, he opened up about his emotional moments and shared what he has learned about forgiveness. Arrow: Joseph, today I was hoping to get a better picture of your emotional side. In all of the stories about your life, there are five that stand out to…
Our exclusive interview with Joseph bar Jacob continues with his shocking revelation of the reason for pretending not to recognize his brothers. If you were reading this on the internet, you would need to scroll through about forty ads, and then surrender your name, email address, and social security number before we would give you…
Interview with a Dreamer
Although The Lake Arrowhead Arrow is not a real newspaper, Lake Arrowhead is a real place. We rented a cabin there to celebrate our fiftieth wedding anniversary with our children and grandchildren. Each morning, The Arrow introduced our theme for the day with an interview and some discussion questions. Over the next three days, I…